The California statewide eviction moratorium ended on October 1, 2021 but some restrictioms remain the same in place.
Cities throughout California are issuing orders and adopting urgency ordiances. Los Angeles's eviction moratorium extends to January 2022, and the city of the Los Angeles's eviction moratorium continues until October 2022. Current law shields tenants from eviction if they've paid at least 25 % of their rent between Sept 1, 2020 and Sept 30, 2021 as long as they've given their landlords signed declerations of the COVID-19 related financial distress. Those tenants who signed the decleration cannot be evicted over any rent owed between March 1, 2020 and August 31, 2020. Landlord and tenants can both apply for rental relief funds for those whose ability to pay has been affected by COVID-19 Pandemichttps://housing.ca.gov/
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